Thursday 21 May 2009


It was not long after we came to Cyprus that we heard about a Messianic group that had a training and worship centre up in the Mountains in a village called Moniatis.

The Centre was set up by an American Jewish family called the Rudolphs and were also joined by Brother Norman and his family.

The name Gateways beyond was chosen because Cyprus is the gateway to 3 continents and is very strategic for Israel and the Middle East in general.

We got to know Bedros Nassanian when he visited a Church in Larnaca with a lovely Jewish Brother from Israel. Bedros is married to Rebekah, who is the daughter of the Rudolph's and they have 3 young daughters.

They have had a heart for Europe and especially the French speaking Nations. So on Tuesday evening we were again in Limassol to give Bedros, Rebekah and their team a send off for their move to Geneva this coming Monday.

They have aquired a large house in the outskirts of the City and intend training young people to be missionaries for our Lord Yeshua. Both Bedros & Rebekah are very accomplished worship people and are very gifted in that area.

My boyhood friend David Morice who I have known since we were both 9 years old and was also raised a JW, lives in Basel Switzerland and is now a Born Again believer as well. So I am praying that somehow these lovely people will meet up. My friend and Brother is also a very good singer and guitarist and has been earning his living for a number of years in that area.

These people live by total faith in the provisions of the Lord Yeshua by means of Ha Kadesh. If you want to read more about them, please go to

Their Geneva address will be Route de l'Etraz 138, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland

I still have not forgotten about the Salt Covenant that I will post later.

Love & Blessings

Pastor Dave & Chris

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