Wednesday 29 April 2009


I was asked to give the WORD to a Church in I set about praying to the Lord asking him to guide me on what Word to give.

I have been doing a lot of research on Blessings and Curses in the Bible. I felt the Lord telling me to speak on that very subject. I argued in my head whether I should preach on that subject and I said to the Lord, should I take the easier route and talk about Peter or Abraham?

I woke up in the middle of Saturday night and the Lord said 'I am not interested in the Sin, just the REPENTANCE' and that hit me like a bolt. I then realised that I needed to give that Word, so I printed off some of the pages and used them as my notes on Sunday.

The whole time, I knew in my Spirit that the Word was for someone in particular. We got to the Church and was listening to the Worship and then a very Elderly brother came in, way over 90 years old and with him was a middle aged sister.

When I was talking about repenting of sins of the Fathers and not holding onto bitterness etc, I asked if this was making sense with anyone? The sister who came in with elderly Philipo started nodding her head and turned around to Christine and said this is exactly what I needed to hear.

At the end of the Word I could see it had moved quite a number, so I asked George if we could Minister to the ones who wanted Minsitry and he willingly said yes. It turned out that the sister was from Australia and had never been to that Church before and in fact had a high leadership position in her own Church back in Australia. She said that everything I spoke about applied to her and that God told her to come to that Church that morning. She had come to the Lord because Philipo had giveen her a tract over 20 years ago, when he visited Australia. She had been trying to find him for years.

We felt so humbled by this experience and it has made us realise what an awasome God we have, that he even sorts out seemingly small things like this.

Later we went to Pastor George & Loula's house and had a nice lunch and later in the afternoon, the Lord told me that George was now going to be my Spiritual Father. He is younger than me, but he is the calm waters that I need, plus he is an expert in the Biblical Greek language and helps me with a number of Greek meanings of words.

May the Lord bless you and may we all keep praying for Israel.


Monday 13 April 2009


Many religions claim that they alone have the truth and are the only way to God. Unfortunately for 50 years we were involved in a religion that claimed these very things. The Watchtower movement are a group of people who have claimed to be the only true religion on the face of this earth since 1919.
They teach that they alone are the only appointed faithful and discreet slave class who can dispense the truth from the Holy written word of God. Because of this teaching the Society have totally broken away from any other Christian denomination.
All of its members are brainwashed into believing that the only way to salvation is through their organisation. They teach that if any one questions their teachings, they are apostates against the truth.
Any one who dares to leave the organisation is doomed to destruction and are likened to vermin. That is why many who belong to this group and others like them, are terrified of leaving them, because they will be cut off from family and friends for good.
However we managed to escape in June 2001 and 18 months later were drawn by the Holy Spirit to accept the ONLY TRUTH JESUS CHRIST our ONLY LORD and SAVIOUR.
Since that time we have studied and studied Gods word and are still studying, so that we can get closer to the Lord. We are in the process of setting up the 'Word & Spirit Bible College' with courses supplied by an Australian Bible College. We want to teach as many people Gods word as possible before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We moved from England to Cyprus in August 2007, so that we can serve the Lord over here. We have set up Living Waters Ministries Cyprus, because that is the name we felt the Lord gave us through our good friend Keith Sinclair, based in Wolverhampton, England.
God Bless Pastor David & Christine Hall